Medical Engineering & Sportsmedical Engineering

Medical Engineering and Sportsmedical Engineering are important, economically attractive and scientifically challenging areas with rapidly rising revenues also due to an aging society. In this context, one prominent factor is our close cooperation with the "Institute of Medical Technology and Information Processing Middle-Rhine" and the adjacent Health-Region Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler.

What is the benefit of our Master's degree in Applied Physics with this specialization?

By a selection of specialized and elective modules our Master's Applied Physics fulfills the content of the DGMP catalog (German Society for Medical Physics e.V) for the training of Medical Physics Experts (MPE) in all three medical areas: Radiation therapy (the area with the greatest need for specialists), nuclear medicine and X-ray diagnostics. Have a look at the DGMP and especially its working group "Young Medical Physics". If you have any further questions about the MPE, please feel free to contact Prof. Vesna Prokic.

Applied physics careers in the healthcare sector are numerous: Medical physics overlaps significantly with biomedical engineering, and physicists work alongside biomedical engineers to create, review and maintain medical technologies and equipment. Although cardiology and neurology are areas reserved for those with an additional medical degree, physicists are regularly employed within areas such as radiology, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine, in order to test and approve the latest technologies and equipment. Apart from testing, responsibilities in this area include research, design and quality assurance.

Research-based roles in this field are available within medical technology companies, healthcare providers, research centers and academic institutions. Knowledge of accelerator physics, radiation detection, imaging science and materials physics are valuable for many of these roles, and a Master’s degree in Applied Physics with specialization in Medical Engineering and Sportsmedical Engineering will provide you an excellent start in these industry branches.