Scientific Computing

In our new focus area Scientific Computing, you will learn to find new efficient numerical solutions to complex problems in science and technology with the help of mathematical modeling and artificial intelligence. Our brandnew GPU/HPC computer cluster at Campus Remagen, which consists of a total of 20 NVIDIA Tesla A100 and eight Tesla H100 GPUs as well as powerful CPUs and a network infrastructure, is available for this purpose.

Today's product development and research would be unthinkable without complex numerical simulations on high-performance computers. Forecasts about the weather and global climate change, the search for new materials or medicines using suitable algorithms, crash test simulations of cars, the optimization of vehicles or aircraft, computer-aided medical image processing and image evaluation are just a few examples of the many opportunities in professional life with this specialization.

At Master's level, this profile provides in-depth knowledge and expertise in highly topical and forward-looking subjects such as "artificial intelligence" and "quantum technologies".