Dr. Sören Wallrodt
Room: A118
RheinAhrCampus Remagen

Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften

Logo: RheinAhrCampus Remagen
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
DE - 53424 Remagen

Research Projects

Sören Wallrodt is currently involved in the following research projects:

  • Fundamentals of a digital sports facility atlas (BISp-project)
    Research question: How should a digital sports facility atlas be designed  to include all sports facilities in Germany? How can a sports facility atlas be implemented and what needs to be considered?
  • Economic aspects of voluntary work (dissertation)
    Research question: What impact does voluntary work have on the economy? How can voluntary work be explained from an economic standpoint?
  • Evaluating the voluntary consultation service of the State Sports Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (LSB Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.)
    Research question: Does the voluntary consultation service of the LSB NRW have a positive effect on club development?
  • German Football Association (Deutscher Fußballbund e.V. - DFB) club dialogue 
    Research question: Which topics are particularly relevant for DFB club dialogues? How are club dialogues assessed?
  • Membership development in the Rhineland Sports Association (Sportbund Rheinland e.V.) – (online seminar), (dashboard for club development)
    Research question: What factors influence membership development in sports clubs in the area of the Rhineland Sports Association?
  • Data analysis on the development in the Rhineland Football Association (Fußballverband Rheinland e.V.)
    Research question: What factors influence team development in the Rhineland Football Association?
  • Distribution of funding based on key figures (LSB Niedersachsen e.V.)
    Research question: How can funding be distributed among the professional associations of the federal states, while adhering to the guidelines for sports promotion? Obtaining the key figures of associations for the distribution of funding.
  • Sports development planning (City of Krefeld)
    Research question: What should the City of Krefeld do to ensure that it is equipped for developments in sports? What contributes to sports in Krefeld?
  • Offer analysis of the German Table Tennis Association DTTB (Deutscher Tischtennisbund e.V.)
    Research question: How satisfied are various stakeholders with the DTTB's offers?