[Translate to English:] Institut für Künstlerische Keramik & Glas
[Translate to English:] Werkstofftechnik Glas & Keramik
[Translate to English:] Institut für Künstlerische Keramik & Glas
[Translate to English:] Werkstofftechnik Glas & Keramik

Welcome at the WesterWaldCampus in Höhr-Grenzhausen

Welcome to the WesterWaldCampus

Glass and ceramics take centre stage at the Faculty of Building - Art - Materials in the family-like environment of the WesterWaldCampus in Höhr-Grenzhausen. The roots of Ceramics education at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences date back to the 19th century. Whilst creative students can study Fine Ceramic/Glass Art at the Institute for Ceramic and Glass Art (IKKG), students in the subject-area of Materials Engineering, Glass and Ceramics receive an advanced engineering education in a high-tech study programme that is unique in Germany.

Ceramics are the most interesting materials of our time, and Höhr-Grenzhausen is considered to be the largest education and research centre for Ceramics in Europe.

Both the above institutes are members of the Education and Research Centre for Ceramics (BFZK)

Website: www.bfzk.de

Art and Technology