Professorships at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

Professor und Studierende im Wasserbaulabor
Professorin im Austausch mit Studierender
Dozentin im Hörsaal
Professorin stellt Frage an Studierende
Professor im Hörsaal

Teaching posts at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences

Our well-established track record in higher education and the diverse range of study programmes we offer make us stand out from the crowd. Our six faculties (building-art-materials, Engineering, Mathematics and Technology, Social Sciences, Business and Management, and Business Management and Social Sciences) offer over 70 different degree programmes at three vibrant campuses in Koblenz, Remagen and Höhr-Grenzhausen.

A career as a professor at a university of applied sciences differs significantly from a professorship at a traditional university in a number of ways. Practical relevance is always a central focus of studying, teaching and research at our university. Teaching thus plays a particularly important role at universities of applied sciences. During the semester, full-time professors generally have a teaching load of 18 teaching hours (45 minutes each) per week.

At Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, we attach great importance to a positive approach to teaching and interacting with students. We support our professors and lecturers in continually developing their methodological and teaching skills.

We offer a wide range of content and teaching formats to our increasingly heterogeneous student community: from in-person courses and dual or part-time study programmes to distance learning and continuing education courses, as well as hybrid programmes. Our broad range of interdisciplinary programmes enable our professors and lecturers to establish wide-ranging networks and realise multidisciplinary projects. In addition, our professors have the freedom to design their own unique teaching programmes. Alongside traditional lectures, these programmes include a varied and exciting range of activities, such as special seminars, laboratory work, field trips and internships. Our state-of-the-art university campuses have extensive cutting-edge facilities and our programmes are supported by our innovative and professional e-learning department.

Our professors and lecturers are actively involved in initiating and developing new learning formats and have the opportunity to develop new modules and study programmes together with colleagues at faculty and interdisciplinary levels. Our teaching staff also have the chance to redesign existing concepts and adapt them to meet the needs of various different target groups.

Koblenz University of Applied Sciences has extensive experience in the fields of e-learning and digitalisation. This expertise enables us to transfer knowledge synchronously via video conferencing, webinars and virtual classrooms. In addition, our reliable and well-established teaching platform, OpenOLAT, provides access to lecture recordings, learning videos, podcasts and lecture scripts. Teaching staff and students also have access to virtual labs. Our dedicated e-learning team is available to support our teaching staff in developing digital content and resources.

Unit: Professorships and Civil Servants

head of unit

Appointment management and onboarding


    Alongside teaching activities, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences also has a long tradition of active research in a range of disciplines. As the university's central scientific institution, the Research Centre promotes research activities, facilitates networking between disciplines and fosters interdisciplinarity. The aim of the Research Centre is also to support knowledge and technology transfer through teaching, continuing education and practical applications.

    Our competence centres, research institutes and research groups at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences enable scientists and academics to conduct research in a wide range of disciplines. We have developed extensive interdisciplinary collaborations in three key areas of research: Analytical Imaging, Education, Social Policy and Social Work in the Context of Demographic Change, and Data Driven Systems. These research projects, which focus on natural sciences, technology and social sciences, have led to a significant increase in external funding.

    You can find an overview of our professors' research expertise and details of current and past research projects on the SciPort RLP research platform. The research landscape at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is diverse and dynamic. Identifying and addressing new areas of research requires dynamism and flexibility, as well as a keen awareness of current trends and developments. This is what makes Koblenz University of Applied Sciences appealing to students, partners from business and industry, and future professors.

    Knowledge and technology transfer

    As a public university, Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is tasked with bringing together a wide spectrum of fields to connect knowledge in an interdisciplinary way. We also have a responsibility to communicate new research findings to wider society, including the business and industry sector. In this way, our university addresses complex contemporary challenges drawing on the expertise of scientists and scholars in the fields of engineering, natural sciences, social sciences, architecture and art. Our university takes an active and goal-oriented approach to knowledge and technology transfer. Thanks to our long-standing strong ties within the region, we have excellent relationships with local businesses and industries, public and private sector organisations, and local government. Our study programmes are continually refined to reflect changing expectations in the employment market. We consider knowledge and technology transfer to be a key interdisciplinary task, which is of equal importance to research and teaching. Transfer activities are often interwoven with these tasks.

    Knowledge and technology transfer is not just about translating scientific research into a form that is comprehensible and accessible to non-academic partners, it is also about transforming practical questions and problems into scientific questions which can be addressed by experts. Our practice-oriented study programmes and innovative facilities mean that our university has established many partnerships in the business and social sectors, both within and beyond the region. Research activities are often carried out in close cooperation with companies and institutions.

    At Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, the Research and Transfer departments are key contact points for business and industry and are responsible for connecting potential partners with scientists and researchers.

    A professorship at a university of applied sciences has many advantages.

    Universities of applied sciences bring together theory and practice to enable students to develop a strong and sustainable knowledge base, to foster academic discourse and debate, and to ensure students are well prepared for their future careers. As a university professor, you will have the opportunity to incorporate your practical experience into your teaching activities and to pass on your knowledge to your students. This will enable you to make a significant positive impact, support the development of the next generation and help shape the future. At the same time, in-depth exchanges with students are exciting and rewarding, they broaden your horizons and can open up new perspectives.

    Teaching at a university of applied sciences is multifaceted and varied due to the strong practice-oriented focus. Experienced professionals who have worked in their field for many years are often inspired to take on a teaching role by the desire for a change of perspective and a wish to pass on the knowledge they have gained. Academic freedom opens up many opportunities to our professors. Within the scope of their official duties as defined in the Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act, professors can organise their work independently and autonomously. Moreover, they have the opportunity to participate in and shape the self-governance of their faculty and university.

    A professorship can be easily be balanced with life outside of work. Clearly defined teaching loads and academic freedom in research and teaching provide both security and flexibility. Koblenz University of Applied Sciences is committed to ensuring that staff are able to combine family and career, and the university is a member of a best-practice association focusing on families at university. Employment as a professor at a university is characterised by a high level of job security.

    The many options for gaining international experience are also a great bonus. Teaching staff have the opportunity to teach or participate in training at partner universities around the world through exchange programmes such as ERASMUS+ or the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The International Office and the Department of Languages and International Affairs provide advice and support for staff.

    Recruitment criteria for professorships

    In addition to the formal application criteria, applicants should also fulfil particular academic and professional requirements. However, in practice, candidates rarely meet all the criteria in an optimal way. We particularly encourage applications from women and people who have a diverse range of experience and untypical career paths. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. You will find details of the relevant contact person in the job vacancy notice. We will help you to establish whether you fulfil the legal and professional requirements for the formal appointment process.

    Appointment process: Your path to a professorship at a university of applied sciences

    The appointment process for professorships at a university of applied sciences generally takes about six months. If you are interested in applying for a professorship, please send us your CV and a short cover letter along with copies of your references and certificates. You should also include a list of your previous publications and research projects. Please send your documents by email to the contact person specified in the job vacancy notice. Once your application has been received, it will be reviewed and checked to ensure that you have provided all the required information. We will contact you to request any missing documents.

    During the selection process, your application documents will be carefully evaluated with regard to the selection criteria specified in the job vacancy notice. In addition, your application will be checked for compliance with the legal requirements for appointing professors as defined in the Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act. If you are considered a suitable candidate, you will be invited for a first visit to Koblenz University of Applied Sciences. You will be asked to give a trial lecture to demonstrate your teaching skills and showcase your abilities. This will be followed by an interview.

    You will also be asked to provide a personal statement detailing your previous professional experience and achievements in teaching and research, as well as your contribution to furthering the work of young academics. Furthermore, your statement should include details of your involvement in the governance and administration of a university. Finally, you should describe and analyse your leadership skills. The professorial appointment committee will draw up a comprehensive report for a decision on a formal appointment proposal based on all of this input. This report generally includes a shortlist of three candidates and is submitted to the university president and a senate committee for a final decision on the appointment of a professor.

    If you are chosen as the successful candidate, you will be invited to accept a professorship at the university. Once you have submitted all the required documents, you will sign an appointment agreement. This document specifies details such as your remuneration, place of employment and agreements on your working hours.

    Once you have been appointed and all formalities have been completed, you will be officially welcomed as a professor at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and introduced to the university community at a festive event.

    The Tandem Prof programme is aimed at young academics (postdocs) who are interested in a professorship at a university of applied sciences but have not yet gained sufficient professional experience to comply with the requirements specified in the Rhineland-Palatinate Higher Education Act. Programme participants join the university for three years as part-time professors (50%) with a teaching load of nine hours per week. In addition, they work part time (50%) for one of our non-university cooperation partners in the region. This enables young academics to expand both their practical knowledge in their field of expertise and their academic teaching experience; they are thus able to fulfil the formal requirements for applying for a professorship at our university.

    Our current cooperation partners in the Tandem Prof programme are: CompuGroup, VDFFI, wolfcraft, Debeka, CAPACON and a local kindergarten.

    The starting salary for a professor at a university of applied sciences is generally pay grade W2. Employment within the framework of a tandem professorship is paid on a pro rata basis at pay grade W1 for a 50% post at a university. The civil service pay scale calculator provides information about individual salary levels.

    Professorships are not automatically tenured; professors may also be employed as salaried staff. This may depend on how a professorship is financed or on individual requirements.

    Training material by Dr. Margarete Hubrath: Useful tips on how to prepare your application documents when applying for a professorship at a university of applied sciences (from a seminar on application procedures for professorships at universities of applied sciences, October 2006).

    Hochschullehrerbund (German Association of University Lecturers): Provides advice and training for those applying for a professorship

    bukof e.V. (Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities): Guide to becoming a professor at a university of applied sciences

    You can find details of current vacancies at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences here.