RheinAhrCampus, Remagen has also integrated Refugees in the Classrooms. Dr. Laurent Borgmann teaches “International Business Simulations”, “Managing Cultural Diversity” and “Intercultural Communication” courses aimed at international students and German students who want to internationalize themselves. Starting from 2015 he has been inviting some refugees to these classes as guests, too. Every semester there are around five refugees who complete whole classes, including regular participation, homework, and final exams.

On the course International Business Simulations l have the chance to develop my presentation skills (e.g. for the press conference at the end of the semester). ln my knowledge workshop l learned how to create an email account and how to write a well organized email. I also improve my communication skills when I speak in English and develop the way l speak. Also I participate in the bicycle workshop where l get new friends and get some skills in repairing bikes. Before taking part in the Intercultural Communication class, I did not have much information about other cultures. If you want to turn from a refugee into a successful businessman in Germany, you must be culturally educated. After the class, now I am well prepared and less likely to suffer from cultural shocks.
(Wael Nader, refugee from Syria)