Dr. Laurent Borgmann
Raum: A009
RheinAhrCampus Remagen


Logo: RheinAhrCampus Remagen
Joseph-Rovan-Allee 2
DE - 53424 Remagen

Ramadan with Refugees

During the Month of Ramadan we celebrated two big events with refugees including a very International Iftar.  About 60 people from many nations came together to cook, eat, chat, and play games” on 13th and 27th June 2016. Exchange students from Spain, Morocco, Jordan, and Azerbaijan prepared various meals from their home countries, with many of the refugees lending a helping hand. Others passed the time till the meals were served—ready for “iftar”, the breaking of the Moslem “Ramadan” fast—with table football or billiard.

Check it out on absolutely-intercultural.com