Ausgewählte eingeladene Vorträge/ Konferenzen
Tag der Lehre Hochschule Koblenz, Koblenz, Talk: "Asynchrone Unternehmensführung und Business Talks", 15.11.2023 - Gewinn der Anschlussförderung des Lehrinnovationspreises 2023.
24th International CINet Conference 2023, Linz, Talk: "Sustainable-oriented innovation: How the succession phase of family-owned SMEs can make the difference", 17.9.2023
Copetri Convention, Offenbach am Main: Workshop “Cross-Innovation Best Practice”, 24.5.2023
Workshop “Zukunft der Arbeit”, Evangelische Akademie, Schloss Ehrenbreitstein, Koblenz, Talks: “Working in weak ties…for innovation“, 12.4.2019
18th International CINet Conference 2017, Potsdam, Talk: "Influence factors on physical tool use and selection in product development and design teams" with Finn Rieken
European Lean Educator Conference. 17.9.2015, Södertälje, Schweden: "Lean Product Development: Lean Education for Engineers and Cross-Functions who are Close to Research and Development"
16th International CINet Conference 2015, Stockholm, 2 Talks:"An evaluation of innovation coaching: Do innovation teams profit from coaching?" and "Leadership and innovation: A literature review and reflections of leaders" with Ina Goller
Eurolabors Symposium 2014, 13./14.11.2014, Bad Nauheim, Vortrag: "Innovative Laborarbeitsplätze - Lessons Learned vom Novartis Campus, Basel"
14th International CINet Conference 2013, Nijmegen, Talk: "Workspace in R&D"
20th International Product Development Conference 2013, Paris, Talk: "Co-location in a new workspace environment for collaboration and idea creation within the pharmaceutical industry." with Annina Coradi
29th Colloquium of the European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS), 2913m Montreal, Talk: "The effects of co-location on collaboration and idea creation in a new workspace environment within R&D"
Vortrag auf einer Kick-off Veranstaltung eines mittelständischen Unternehmens, Zürich, 2013, Talk: "Lean Principles…or what Lean Management really wants"
Erfa Tagung KVP der KWP AG bei Ruag in Emmen, 2012, Vortrag: "Lean in der Forschung & Entwicklung"
7th Organization Studies Workshop, Rhodes, Greece, 2012, Talk: " The spaces of knowledge work: Workspace design in R&D activities"
Lean Six Sigma Dialog Summit 2012, Zürich, Vortrag: "Innovation und Lean Six Sigma: Ein Widerspruch?"
71st Academy of Management (AOM) in San Antonio, Texas, 2011, Talk: "People in R&D: The Impact of Human Resource Practices on the Performance of Lean Product Development" with Nicolas Höflinger
Research presentation at the Yokohama National University (YNU), Japan, 2010, Talk: "Towards a substantive definition of Lean Product Development: A review and synthesis of the literature."
2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium, New York, 2009, Talk: "Continuous product development (CPD): How do we manage innovation after the start of production?"