Initiative "KNOW YOUR LOCAL"

Welcome to "Know Your Local," an insightful initiative brought to you by the GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus project team. This collaborative effort involves international students hailing from India, Albania, Ukraine, South Korea, Jordan, and Turkey, alongside local RheinAhrCampus students from the bachelor course "Sustainable Development" (B25.04 "Working Internationally"). The idea was initiated by Research Associate Natalia Obikhod who has been supervising the GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus project team since summer 2021 and designed and taught the course "Sustainable Development". 

Diverse Perspectives, Shared Vision: At the heart of "Know Your Local" is a commitment to understanding and promoting sustainable development practices. Drawing on the diverse backgrounds of our international and local students, we embark on a journey to explore and appreciate the sustainability in the RheinAhr region.

Sustainable Organization Models: In small international teams, our students dove into an exploration of Sustainable Organization Models within the region. Specifically, they focused on initiatives like SoLaWi Bonn, Sozialkaufhaus "LISA", Weltladen Remagen-Sinzig, and AWO Second-hand store in Remagen. These organizations stand out for their dedication to sustainability and community well-being.

Hands-On Exploration: Our students went beyond textbooks, personally visiting these organizations and engaging with owners, managers, and volunteers. Through interviews and on-site experiences, they gained valuable insights into the inner workings of each organization, uncovering the passion and commitment that drives them.

"Know Your Local" Project: Inspired by these encounters, our students initiated the "Know Your Local" project. The aim is to share their learnings and experiences with the RheinAhrCampus community. Through self-made infographics, each organization is presented in a visually engaging and informative manner, highlighting their missions, impact, and the importance of supporting local initiatives. 

International Collaboration & Knowledge:The project is a collaboration of students from Pondicherry University in India, EWHA in South Korea, Jordanian German University in Jordan, Tirana University in Albania, and Ivan Franko University of Lviv in Ukraine. 

Why "Know Your Local"?

  • Promoting Sustainable Development in Study Curriculum: "Know Your Local" integrates real-world experiences into the study curriculum, emphasizing the importance of sustainable development practices. By bringing these initiatives into the educational sphere, we aim to instill a sense of responsibility and awareness in the next generation of changemakers
  • Promoting Local Engagement: By understanding and supporting local organizations, we contribute to the resilience and sustainability of our community
  • Cultural Exchange: "Know Your Local" bridges the gap between international and local students, fostering cultural exchange and a shared commitment to sustainability
  • Inspiring Action: Through the project, we hope to inspire individuals to actively engage with and support local initiatives, recognizing the positive impact they can have on our community and the planet

Explore our "Know Your Local" initiative to discover the richness of sustainable practices in our region. Join us in celebrating and supporting these organizations that are making a difference in the RheinAhr community.