Codeshare Summer School 2021
Codeshare Teaching and Learning Project
Hochschule Koblenz is a project partner in the Codeshare Teaching and Learning Project coordinated by Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg. We would like to thank Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences for hosting this exciting international academic opportunity!
After a very exciting Spring School, about 20 RheinAhrCampus students registered for our four-week digital summer program.
They were able to choose from a catalogue of eight courses in the areas of:
- “The Good Side of Finance”
- “Digitization in Business"
- “International Career Building”.
Each course was taught online in block teaching for five consecutive days, either in the morning or in the afternoon (local time). Due to high demand, the International Career Building course was offered both in the morning and in the afternoon. As a result, students and faculty from all participating institutions were able to cooperate across different time zones and academic institutions. In addition, there was a wide range of asynchronous learning elements. Students were allowed to focus on one single course or participate in multiple courses. All courses met the following criteria:
- Credits: 3 ECTS each course (Recognition at home university must be checked individually!)
- Language of instruction: English
- Social and cultural program: TBA after the end of the registration period.
- Costs for students from participating instituion: FREE OF CHARGE
The Summer School was offered by Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg in cooperation with our university and the following partner universities:
- University of Cape Coast
- South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
- Coastal Carolina University.
In each of the courses, students from international partner universities participated together and worked in small teams.