Myrtle Beach 2013
International Summer School @ CCU
Early in August, the student group from RheinAhrCampus and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg traveled to South Carolina in order to experience an intensive short-term program at CCU.
Students participated in lectures and classes on a wide variety of subjects. This way they were given the opportunity to find out in what ways the academic environments of German universities and US universities differ - and whether studying in the US for a semester or even a year might be an attractive option.
Excursions (e.g. to Brookgreen Gardens and Charleston), social events (e.g. the awards ceremony), cultural activities, sports events (e.g. a baseball game and a CCU football game) as well as numerous other elements provided the students with a unique chance to experience some glimpses of American culture - not only in a classroom setting.
The participants also had to complete a number of assignments for their classes. The successful participants of the program were awarded a certificate during the final ceremony. Click here to watch a short video about the program!