Program Structure 2017
International Summer School Program 2017
This short-term exchange features two exciting transatlantic encounters:
Myrtle Beach meets Remagen
20 students of Coastal Carolina University accompanied by Prof. Dr. Jacob Voegel, David Doerring and Karen Sauls will visit the Rhineland in May. Through joint activities students of RheinAhrCampus and Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, they will explore the academic life and social activities offered at their German partner universities; students from RheinAhrCampus and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences will be able to familiarise themselves with the appropriate language for academic discussions and projects while getting some first glimpses of CCU campus culture. This year's teaching modules will offer insights into International Management and a comparative look at German and US Business Culture. Students will have the chance to complete some preparatory research and learn about important aspects of transatlantic business practices as well as presenting the results of their online research assignments during their face-to-face meetings on campus.
In addition to academic coursework, social activities will range from sports events to a barbecue on the banks of the Rhein, a boat trip of the river Rhine and excursions to Bonn, including a City Rally and Cologne. All of these joint activities are designed to foster strong relationships.
Remagen meets Myrtle Beach
The German participants of this year's summer school program will be actively involved in preparing many of the activities offered during the first part of the summer school program. After the initial pre-departure meetings, contacts with CCU students will be arranged through email communications and a buddy assignment. Due to these optioins, students will take an active part in integrating the CCU students on campus and welcoming them to RheinAhrCampus and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University. Thus, it will be great to meet many of the students again during the International Summer School at CCU in Fall. CCU students will offer lots of social activities around the scheduled program - thus providing the participants with a great chance to share parts of their campus life.