Brookgreen Gardens Sculpture Park

Myrtle Beach 2019

A Great Experience: International Summer School @ CCU

The groups from RheinAhrCampus and Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences traveled to South Carolina in order to experience an intensive short-term program at CCU from mid-August to September 2019.

Taking part in lectures and seminars of their own choice they had a chance to explore academic life in the United States - ranging from in-class presentations to essays, quizzes and written exams. Not surprisingly, they noted a lot of differences between the classroom activities in South Carolina and their academic experience at RheinAhrCampus. This was both exciting and thought-provoking - and it certainly added an intercultural dimension to the participants' studies.

The excursions , e.g. to Charleston and Brookgreen Gardens, the social events (e.g. the awards ceremony) as well as the various cultural activities and sports events (e.g. a football game) enabled students to get some interesting glimpses of South Carolina, American culture and the flavor of the region. 

Congratulations to all the participants who received their certificates during the final ceremony!