Virtual Summer School 2021

The Virtual Summer School on Comparative Business Culture took place from 26 July to 07 August 2021

This intensive summer school experience connected students from Germany, Italy, Brazil, Russia and the United States - thus creating a truly global learning environment. During the daily online sessions, the participants were able to learn and discuss about

  • Cross-Cultural Communication,
  • Working in Virtual Environments,
  • Leadership Skills,
  • Entrepreneurship,
  • Economics,
  • International Career Building and
  • Global Business Culture.

All students were encouraged to take an active part in all the online sessions and discussions. In addition, they developed their own academic projects and presented their findings during the online event. Before and after the plenary sessions, there were small-group sessions for project activities. The program enabled students to develop their proficiency in English with a special focus on speaking and presentation skills - and to develop their virtual meeting skills at the same time.

While most of the lecturers involved were CCU faculty members, some of the sessions were taught by lecturers from the various partner universities. Thus, Jens Andreas Faulstich from RheinAhrCampus Remagen offered a session on  Launching International Careers.

A virtual graduation ceremony concluded the intensive short-term program.