A Journey through Germany

Raeanna from the USA, Summer Semester 2024

Living in Remagen, Germany, for six months has been an incredible journey, filled with challenges and unforgettable moments. I was one of the first exchange students to get here. The initial loneliness was palpable, and navigating everyday tasks alone felt daunting. Simple activities like going to the grocery store turned into mini-adventures as I struggled to understand labels written in German. Learning to manage directions in Germany and setting up a bank account while waiting for funds added to the difficulty of my new life.

I came to Germany seeking a life-learning experience, and I certainly got one. The education system here was a stark contrast to what I was used to in the States. Back home, my learning was predominantly online with minimal hands-on experiences. In Remagen, however, the approach was entirely different. Classes were more interactive, and the learning environment was deeply engaging, which was initially challenging but ultimately enriching.

Adapting to life in the student dorms was another hurdle. Without an oven or a microwave, I had to learn to cook using just a stove. This limitation pushed me to become more creative and resourceful in the kitchen. Also managing ways to get a gym membership with the help of friends was a challenge. Even communicating with family and learning the time zone difference was difficult because I would find myself awake until 3 am talking to them not realizing we weren’t in the same time zone anymore. 

Moreover, the diverse teaching and learning styles of different cultures that I encountered here added to the challenges of learning how to navigate my new life. It took some time, but it broadened my perspective on education and learning in many different ways. 

Despite these challenges, the people I met made all the difference. The friendships I formed in Remagen are some of the best I’ve ever had. Together, we explored incredible places and created memories that I will cherish forever. Learning how people from different cultures communicate with each other one and treat one another also broadened my understanding of my friends in more ways than one. These experiences have truly made my time here special, and I can confidently say that I will always love this period of my life.

This journey has been one of the most significant learning experiences I've ever had. It has prepared me for the future in ways I couldn't have imagined. As I look forward to returning to the States, I am excited to see how the personal growth I experienced here will positively impact my life moving forward. Living in Remagen has not only shaped me as a person but also set the foundation for a promising future.