Discovering New Horizons from Remagen

Lisha from India, Summer Semester 2024

When I embarked on my Erasmus journey, I was a student at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, and my destination was a quaint town called Remagen in Germany. The decision to join the Erasmus program was rather spontaneous. I had always been curious about exploring the world beyond my country, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Coming from a highly competitive academic environment in India, I found the education system in Germany refreshingly different. It was more practical and focused on real-world applications, especially in crisis management, rather than being heavily theory-oriented. 
The first day was a mix of tension and excitement. Being in a completely new environment was overwhelming. However, the presence of many other international students quickly put me at ease. The warm and welcoming attitude of my peers helped me form meaningful friendships that I cherish deeply. 

Making new friends and building a social circle turned out to be one of the highlights of my Erasmus journey. Initially, I was quite shy, but meeting diverse people from different backgrounds helped me come out of my shell. Each interaction taught me something new about life and myself, and I feel like I am taking a piece of everyone with me. 

The language barrier was one of the most challenging aspects. German is a difficult language to learn, especially for someone who has never spoken it before. However, the German language classes offered by the university were immensely helpful. 

During the Erasmus program, I participated in numerous activities and trips. One of the most memorable experiences was visiting the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress in Koblenz. We took a cable car ride over the Rhine and Moselle rivers to reach the fortress, where a festival was taking place. Dancing to the music with new friends and later sitting by the fountain overlooking the city brought a sense of peace and fulfillment. 

The local culture and lifestyle in Germany were very different from what I was used to in India. However, I found the culture to be very accepting of foreigners. This made it easier for me to adapt and feel at home. 

The Erasmus program has significantly contributed to my personal and academic development. It has made me more independent and confident. I now feel capable of handling any situation, having successfully navigated living in a new country. Academically, the exposure to international courses and learning German has provided me with a unique advantage that I can leverage in my future career. 

Looking ahead, I see myself returning to Germany. This experience has left a lasting impact on me, and I am eager to carry forward the lessons and memories I have gained. 

To other students considering participating in the Erasmus program, I would say: Take the leap. Experience this change at least once in your life. Don't be afraid to take risks. The growth and learning you will gain from this experience are invaluable.