Finding Myself In The Midst of the Unknown

Flori from Albania, Summer Semester 2024

Hey, I am Flori from Albania! When I was first looking to go abroad for so long, I was a bit nervous. There was this fear of leaving everything behind for something that was uncertain in a place I did not know, surrounded by people I had never met. But then I remembered that this was also the reason that made me decide to go to experience new places and meet new people. In this semester, I have done that to the fullest.

It is very strange and at the same time beautiful that you can create a strong connection with people who were just strangers from another country a few months ago. To have experienced so much that by the end of this experience, you feel like you have known them for a lifetime.–
I have explored many places during my time here, starting from the area around the small town of Remagen to other cities in other countries like Paris or Amsterdam. On these road trips, I haven’t just seen beautiful buildings, castles, or opera houses but have also experienced the feeling of wonder that is the spark of these trips and what will continue to drive me to explore more of the world. In this way, I can also discover much more about myself. I remember my first road trip, which was to Paris, the city of love. I had only 24 hours to experience the city, and I was amazed by the art and the overall energy of the city. What I found most interesting was walking through the narrow streets of Paris, seeing how ordinary people live, grabbing fresh bakery items, and having great conversations while enjoying a croissant and cappuccino.

I wanted to see everything, but time was limited. In that moment, I realized that we often strive to see all the big things in life but forget to stop and appreciate the small things and gestures that bring us joy.

One thing that brings me joy is exploring nature. Luckily, Germany is known for its beautiful forests and has a very good infrastructure of stunning hiking trails. I learned to spend time in nature because when you have some peace and quiet away from all the noise and fast-paced life, you have time to reflect.

But a lot of my time was spent inside the RheinAhrCampus. One thing that brought me joy here was challenging myself to improve my soft skills and learning how to better communicate with others. Also, handling time under stress, and knowing how to work in a team of diverse people from different backgrounds. I enjoy documenting my life through photographs, and I’m glad I could incorporate this into my work as an intern.

This was my first time living alone. I became fully independent and learned that I am responsible for everything in my space. I learned how to manage house chores and create a pleasant living environment. This is valuable to me for the future when I decide to live independently. To be honest, I didn’t have much time to spend in my room because we were always involved in some sort of activity or just hanging around with a group of friends, trying to spend our time in the best way possible. This also meant immersing myself in German culture, meeting local friends, and exchanging our different opinions and experiences.

This experience as a whole is one that I will remember and hold close to my heart. It’s a critical point for every individual, and the decision to come here and step out of my ordinary life made me learn so much about myself and how I interact with others. I felt the full spectrum of emotions: joy, happiness, enthusiasm, nervousness, sadness, and the most profound of them all LOVE.

Please take the risk!  I’m sure you’ll look back with a smile and tears of joy on your face.