From Remagen with Love

Dahuin from South Korea , Summer Semester 2024

Hello, I am Dahuin, an exchange student from Ewha Womans University in South Korea. My six-month exchange program in Remagen was a transformative journey filled with learning and unforgettable memories.

Adjusting to life in Remagen from Seoul was initially challenging. The tranquil cityscape, absence of towering buildings and an extensive public transportation system, was a stark contrast to what I was used to. However, I found solace in Remagen's serene environment, with its clean air, clear skies, and green mountains. In Seoul, I constantly felt rushed and anxious, balancing my studies, extracurricular activities, and a part-time job. The relentless pace left little room for self-reflection. In Remagen, I discovered a more relaxed version of myself, where simple decisions like dinner plans and laundry schedules became my main concerns.

One of the most striking differences in my academic experience at RAC was the interactive nature of the classes. Unlike the lecture-focused approach in my engineering courses back home, RAC encouraged active student participation. It was common for students to voice their opinions during lectures, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment. Initially, this was intimidating, but I soon appreciated this collaborative teaching style.

Academically, I grew in many ways during my semester at RAC. One of the most significant challenges was giving presentations. Public speaking has always made me nervous, and doing so in English added an extra layer of difficulty. However, each presentation built my confidence, and I learned to embrace feedback from both professors and peers. This experience has prepared me well for future professional endeavors.

Beyond academics, I used my time in Europe to travel extensively. I visited over ten cities in Germany and explored 10 other European countries. Each trip was an adventure, filled with new foods, cultural sites, and unique experiences. Comparing the similarities and differences among various European cultures broadened my perspective.

Despite my initial worries about studying abroad, I feel proud and accomplished for completing the semester successfully. This experience marked a significant international milestone for me. Living abroad has been an invaluable experience, and I am thrilled to return to South Korea with cherished memories and lasting friendships.

Thank you, Remagen, and RAC!