Internationalizing myself at RheinAhrCampus
Victor Martinez from Spain, Winter Semester 2009/2010
My name is Víctor, and I come from a city in the north of Spain called León. Although the weather is quite similar in Remagen and in León, this experience was new for me because the way of life is quite different. I didn´t have to think too much about the chance to go to Remagen when I received the offer from the International Office of the University of León, because it was a great opportunity for me and my future, and fortunately I could do it although I was studying in Finland the previous year because the support of the international office in León and in Remagen.
Although Remagen is not very big, around 16,000 inhabitants, the town has a long and amazing history. It was founded 2,000 years ago, and it is very close to cities like Koblenz, Bonn (former capital of the RFG) and Cologne. And getting there to have fun is no problem, as you can travel for free between these cities with the regional trains thanks to the Student Card.
My level of German is quite low but that wasn't a problem for me because at RheinAhrCampus you can find very interesting courses in English, and you could also do an internship in the International/Languages Department. You will find that people are quite helpful and will try to make you feel comfortable during your stay there.
The most interesting courses I took during my stay were International Business Simulations, not only because of the things I learnt, but also because the people on the course were very nice, and we had a lot fun during our project, and the Managing Cultural Diversity Seminar where I had the chance to discover a lot of cultural differences and meet interesting people from other countries.
Definitely RheinAhrCampus is a great choice for your internationalization and future and I feel very happy to have spent a semester in Remagen.
Víctor Martínez