My Journey from Georgia to Germany, Turkey, and Beyond - Finding My Path in Portugal

Viktoria from Georgia, Summer Semester 2024

I'm Viktoria Kupunia, currently in my second semester at RheinAhrCampus in Remagen, Germany, after two years at the Business and Technology University in Tbilisi, Georgia. This semester, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in an Asia Course that included a one-week seminar in Izmir, Turkey.

The course connected students and lecturers from Holland, Turkey, Portugal, Georgia, and Germany. During the seminar in Izmir, I had a chance to communicate with Ines, a Portuguese lecturer, during the breaks between sessions. She told me about opportunities to study in Portugal. It was fascinating to exchange cultural insights with students from various backgrounds. This experience ignited my passion for exploring diverse cultures and broadened my worldview.

At this stage of my life, spending a year in a different country and feeling confused about my future, Ines' advice was very helpful. I decided to pursue my master's in Portugal in HR and do my internship at a university there. I was influenced by the offers from universities, scholarships, and Portuguese culture. The prospect of immersing myself in a new culture and expanding my professional network excites me, and I'm looking forward to the personal growth that comes with such an adventure.

Living in Remagen as an exchange student from Georgia has given me many memories and experiences. From Georgia to Germany, from Germany to Turkey, and now planning to go to Portugal, my international journey has been amazing. Each country has offered me unique learning opportunities, and I'm grateful for the friendships I've made along the way. I'm thrilled at the prospect of further expanding my intercultural competence in Portugal and continuing to build connections with people from around the world.