My Life-Changing Experience in Germany: A Memorable Birthday

Margalita from Georgia, Summer Semester 2024

Hello! I am Margalita, from Georgia. I arrived in Germany on March 12, and since then, my life has changed a lot. From the moment I left the airport, I knew things would be different when I returned home. That day began many new friendships and adventures.

At the start of my exchange program, I was adjusting to my new independence. Then my birthday came on March 26, and I turned 23. Celebrating my birthday in Remagen, far from home, was a big change. It gave me a new sense of freedom and a chance to learn about a new culture while making great memories.

My birthday was a turning point. After just two weeks in Germany, I celebrated with new people. It wasn’t just a party; it made me realize that living in Remagen was giving me freedom and a chance to enjoy a different culture. The best surprise on my birthday was my brother’s visiting. His visit brought a piece of home to my new life in Germany, making the day even more special. We celebrated together, and I felt connected to both my life in Georgia and my new life in Germany. That evening, I went to a concert in Koblenz. It was spectacular, and hearing the iconic scores live was an unforgettable experience. 

Another great thing that day was the Georgian national team winning. Watching the game and celebrating their win from far away made me proud and happy. It reminded me that even though I was far from home, I still had strong ties to Georgia that I was sharing with my new friends. This day changed how I saw my time in Germany. It made me value new friendships and see my stay as an important part of my life.

That day changed my perspective on my time in Germany. It made me appreciate new friendships and see my stay as an important part of my life. The bonds we formed after that day during the exchange program made me hopeful that I would celebrate my birthday with my new friends more often.

Of course, there were risks and challenges along the way. Adjusting to a new country, culture, and lifestyle was not always easy. There were moments of homesickness and uncertainty. However, facing these challenges head-on made me stronger and more adaptable. I believe everyone should have this experience—it pushes you out of your comfort zone and helps you grow in ways you never imagined.

Moreover, my birthday in Germany taught me a lot about myself. I learned to cherish the small moments and the new relationships I was forming. This special day, filled with surprises and joy, helped me grow as a person and see the beauty in new beginnings. This incredible journey has made me excited for the future and all the adventures that are yet to come.