One Step Back, Many Forward: A Semester Abroad in Remagen

Rain from India, Summer Semester 2024

While exchange semesters are often seen as opportunities to push boundaries and take on challenging roles, my journey at RheinAhrCampus was a refreshing change of pace. Having always been a go-getter in both academics and my professional life, I decided to approach this experience a bit differently.

Instead of setting ambitious personal goals for the duration I would be abroad, I chose to take a step back and embrace a follower's perspective. This wasn't about shirking responsibility, but about learning from a different vantage point. Thus, while I was not at the forefront of every team project, I actively participated and observed how others led. It was a valuable lesson in itself.

This semester wasn't just about a change in approach; it was a whirlwind of international experiences, both personal as well as academic. To my delight, I realized that one of my courses involved a week-long trip to Turkey, where we had to develop and pitch a marketing campaign to a real company. Turkey felt a little closer to home in terms of the culture, but at the same time, I was experiencing it together with peers from five different countries. This "Russian doll" experience, as I call it, perfectly captured the semester's essence – a global adventure nested within another.

Speaking of global adventures, pre-Germany, my travels were limited to India. Now, I have already travelled to nine incredible countries including Poland, France, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, and more. Each place has given me unforgettable memories to cherish. I found time to explore German cities too, such as Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Koblenz and so on.

Remagen itself became my launchpad, a peaceful haven amidst rolling green hills. The long evening walks along the Rhine became a favourite part of my routine. From the beginning, the town's picturesque charm reminded me of a fairytale come alive.

As much as I enjoyed sightseeing, I savoured the time I got to stay in my cozy apartment as well. As I love food and cooking, I used my free time to experiment and cook different dishes for myself as well as my friends– and I even baked a cake for the first time! Life in Remagen has been full of such moments of simple pleasure.

One of the most enriching aspects, however, was the human connection. I formed amazing friendships with a diverse group of international students. Knowing that I now have a place to crash in any of their home countries makes the world feel a little smaller, and a lot friendlier.

As it is almost time to leave Remagen, I have nothing but gratitude in my heart. I am indebted to the respective coordinators at both Pondicherry University and RheinAhrCampus for making such an opportunity possible. This semester wasn't about achieving grand feats, but about personal growth and embracing new perspectives. This journey is one that unfolded not by leading, but by stepping back a little and simply being present in the moment.