M. Godolja, AL

Co-Teaching ‘Game Theory’ and ‘Differential Equations’ at RheinAhrCampus

From 2 April to 31 May 2024, I participated for the third time in the two-month teaching staff mobility at RheinAhrCampus as part of the Erasmus+ programme. Returning there allowed me to strengthen connections with colleagues and students, become more familiar with the local culture and gain a better understanding of the academic environment.

The application process was straightforward with minimal bureaucracy. The support provided by Sprachen/Internationales RheinAhrCampus was essential in helping me to settle in Remagen and find suitable accommodation close to the campus.

As part of the teaching staff mobility, I had the opportunity to co-teach in both the Business & Social Sciences Department and the Mathematics & Technology Department. I co-taught the courses "Game Theory Using Case Studies" in a Master’s programme and "Analysis IV - Differential Equations" in a Bachelor’s programme.

Based on my previous experience in teaching the course "Game Theory Using Case Studies" at RheinAhrCampus, I aimed to refine the lectures to better suit the different levels of understanding and practical needs of the students. Despite the challenges of teaching mathematical concepts in English, it also contributed to the internationalization efforts of the campus.

Participating in the "Monte Carlo Methods" course in a Master’s programme was beneficial as it allowed me to familiarize myself with updated techniques in the field of Monte Carlo methods, which are integrated into my research work.

My experience at the RheinAhrCampus and in Remagen has been both academically and interculturally enriching. Co-teaching with Professors Michael Langenbahn and Claus Neidhardt has been a privilege; they created a friendly and supportive environment for continuous academic collaboration. In addition, Sprachen/Internationales organised excursions and events with international guest lecturers and students, offering me a firsthand experience of the local attractions.

ERASMUS+ KA 171 - Faculty Exchange

Hochschule Koblenz is able to offer teaching staff mobility with partner countries in the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 171. The national agency in charge of this programme is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).