T. Kbiladze, GE

International Business and Project Management

A Life-Changing Semester in Germany

As an assistant professor at Tbilisi State University, I had the privilege of spending three teaching semesters in Germany, at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus, Remagen - first in 2019, then in 2022 and finally in 2023. This experience not only broadened my perspectives as an educator, but it also enriched my personal and professional life.

German universities are well known for innovative teaching style, so I had the opportunity to adopt new teaching methods that I could incorporate into my own teaching practices.  I had the honor of teaching Introduction into International Entrepreneurship and Advanced International Studies in Autumn 2019, International Business and International Studies in Autumn 2022, Project Management and International Business in Summer 2023 at the faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

I have to admit that students were highly motivated and engaged and it was a pleasure to see them learn and grow throughout the semester. Lectures and seminars at RheinahrCampus are very practically oriented, furthermore, during co-teaching international business with Dr. Laurence Borgmann, students created real company "GeGeCandy". The project turned out to be so innovative and successful that the German media became interested in it. The name of the company, which was chosen by the students themselves, is defined as "German-Georgian-Candy".

Teaching at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences, RheinAhrCampus provided me with the opportunity to collaborate not only with German colleagues but also with lecturers from different cultural backgrounds like Australia, USA and Albania. We learned from each other’s experiences and approaches to teaching and shared best practices to enhance our students’ learning experiences.

Even though teaching at RAC was fully in English language, it goes without saying that knowing a native language is a big advantage while living in a foreign country. As far as staff of "Sprachen/Internationales" office are very friendly and supportive, they offered me to take a course in German language. As a result, I improved my German language skills which enables me to communicate and engage with local customs and traditions. 

My experience as an invited lecturer at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences was an incredible one that has left a lasting impression on me. I am grateful for the opportunity and I look forward to continuing my collaboration with my colleagues at RAC in the future.

Dr. Tamar Kbiladze

ERASMUS+ KA 171 - Faculty Exchange

Hochschule Koblenz is able to offer teaching staff mobility with partner countries in the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 171. The national agency in charge of this programme is theGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).