Prof. Dr. Chandrasekaran (PU) 2021

Product and Brand Management, International Business Simulations - and more!

The Faculty of Business and Social Sciences looks forward to welcoming Dr. Uma Chandrasekaran on campus!

She is a Professor at Pondicherry University and holds the additional responsibility of Dean – International Relations. She has also been the founding Coordinator – Centre for Electronic Media and Mass Communication and Assistant Dean – Students’ Welfare at Pondicherry University. She has taught for a year at Dubai, UAE. She enjoys “stimulating students to unbox themselves and discover their own styles of learning to be.” She is a recognized supervisor for PhD, adjudicator for PhD theses of other universities, published in ABDC journals, reviewer for standard journals and publishers, and a trainer in many corporate and faculty enrichment programs conducted by national and international agencies.   

She facilitated a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) initiated by her colleague Dr. Victor Anandkumar and Dr. Elmar-Laurent Borgmann, between Pondicherry University and the RheinAhrCampus Remagen, that was signed in February 2019. She plans to expand this  partnership as elaborated during a Study in Germany virtual event held recently to celebrate one year of the MoU and having sent two batches of exchange students to RheinAhrCampus. This event got exciting coverage in the German Press.

She looks forward to teaching in Germany: “I was very impressed with an Exchange student from Germany in my class a few years ago. And the assertion from a Professor that you have to make Plan A work: there is simply no Plan B”.

Her faculty visit to our university will also be part of our exchange activities in the framework of ERASMUS+ mobility with partner countries (Key Action KA 107).
In Summer 2021, she will teach a variety of very exciting classes for students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences:

  • B51/B61 "Product and Brand Management" (B. A. in Business Administration), Monday, 14:15-15:45, Thursday, 8:15to 9:45 in Room F015, mid-May to July.
  • B262 "International Business Simulations (B.A. in Business Administration, co-teaching with Dr. Borgmann), Tuesday, 17:45-19:15, mid-May to July.
  • She will also contribute to certain topics on Dr. Borgmann's courses "Project Management" and "Intercultural Communication", mid-May to July.

Please be sure to register early enough as places will be limited in supply. For additional information and registration, please refer to myStudy.