R. Baral, IND

Academic Growth and Cultural Immersion: My Erasmus Journey from IIT Madras to RheinAhrCampus

I am thrilled to share my rewarding experience as an Erasmus guest lecturer at RheinAhrCampus from April 2nd to May 31st, 2024. This journey from IIT Madras in India to Remagen, Germany, has been immensely enriching, both professionally and personally.

Seamless Transition and Warm Welcome

The administrative assistance from Sprachen/Internationales was exceptionally remarkable during all phases, right from the invitation and application process down to accommodation support in Germany. The seamless transition from pre-arrival to my stay in Remagen was made possible by the dedicated efforts of the Sprachen/Internationales team, including Prof. Laurence Borgmann, Ms. Selsela Arya, Prof. Jens Andreas Faulstich, and all other staff members who made me feel at home from day one. Observing the operations of the Languages and International Affairs team allowed me to identify several best practices, from conducting professional meetings to engaging international students and hosting seminars, workshops, excursions, cultural nights, and informal get-togethers. These experiences were valuable additions to my Erasmus teaching experience.

Engaging Courses and Collaborative Teaching

I had the privilege of teaching three courses: two Bachelor courses, ‘International Business Studies’ and ‘Business Culture Asia’, and one Master's course, ‘International HR and OB Strategies’. Co-teaching "Business Culture Asia" with Prof. Nika Kimeridze and "International Business Studies" with Prof. Laurence Borgmann was a delight. Their expertise, engaging course deliveries, and unique teaching methods added great value to my experience. The autonomy I was granted in developing course content and setting assessment criteria empowered me to experiment with different ideas and approaches, making the teaching process incredibly rewarding. The students’ enthusiasm, participation, and commitment to learning were incredibly motivating.

Cultural Immersion and Serene Surroundings

The efforts of Sprachen/Internationales to support international lecturers and students provided a true environment for cultural immersion. This was further enhanced by various social activities, workshops, and excursions organized by the team. Remagen, with its serene beauty and rich history, offered a perfect backdrop for reflection, relaxation, and rejuvenation. The long walks along the Rhine River and exploring local attractions were a delightful escape from the academic routine at IIT Madras. Excursions, cultural nights, and informal get-togethers infused my stay with vibrant energy, offering me the opportunity to immerse myself in rich intercultural exchanges. These experiences brought a lively and dynamic dimension to my time at RheinAhrCampus.

Valuable Connections and Lasting Memories

My teaching mobility experience at RheinAhrCampus has been incredibly enriching, and I trust that the German and other international students in my class benefited from the insights and perspectives shared during my sessions. I had the pleasure of meeting some truly wonderful individuals and had the opportunity to network with them. Special thanks go to Prof. Ada Bici and Prof. Majlinda from the University of Tirana, whose friendship made my stay truly memorable.

Reflecting on my journey, I am grateful to Prof. Laurence Borgmann, his team, and ERASMUS for the opportunity to teach at RheinAhrCampus. The Erasmus teaching mobility encompasses much more than delivering a few courses; it provides an immersive cultural experience. This experience has not only enriched my academic perspective but also broadened my cultural horizons. The opportunity to teach interesting courses and interact with enthusiastic students and faculty has been a truly enriching experience. I have gained invaluable insights and made lasting connections that I will always cherish. The love, affection, and professionalism I witnessed at RheinAhr Campus have left a lasting impression on me.

As I reminisce about my time at RheinAhrCampus, I cherish all the memories and look forward to returning. 

ERASMUS+ KA 171 - Faculty Exchange

Hochschule Koblenz is able to offer teaching staff mobility with partner countries in the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 171. The national agency in charge of this programme is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).