Sandra Elsom (USC) 2019

Project Management and Business Simulations


Sandra Elsom is an Associate Lecturer in the Tertiary Preparation Pathway (TPP) at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Her Masters research focused on the experiences of Tertiary Preparation Pathway students at a regional learning hub. She believes that an understanding of the students’ needs can inform the design of courses, programs and support services. Sandie is currently researching the potential of alternate reality (and other) games to enhance the learning and engagement of students in higher education. She is a member of The 14%, USC’s Women in Games group, and advocates and supports the use of games for learning.

Previously, she spent 20 years in the corporate world, mostly in various roles within Australia’s tourism and travel industry. Sandra’s interests are focussed on widening participation in tertiary education by understanding the motives of students who return to study, and the barriers that deter students from pursuing higher education. She blends academic content with humour, hands on activities, and class participation to engage and inform. 

This visit isn't Sandra's first faculty visit to RheinAhrCampus. In 2014, she taught three courses (Business Study Skills, Australian Study and Presentation Skills, InternationalBusiness Plan) as a guest lecturer at RheinAhrCampus. In Winter Semester 19/20, she offered two additional and exciting electives:

Both courses placed a special focus on real-life communication and academic writing in English. Students were encouraged to work in international teams to solve real-life business problems through collaboration and innovation.

Sandra's first academic exchange with RheinAhrCampus was a thoroughly successful, enjoyable learning experience for both her and her students - and, not suprisingly, her second stay turned out to be equally rewarding for both parties. One of her course participants summarised this in a personal feedback concerning her classes: "I really liked the contents Sandra presented.. Her stories from Australia were helpful to get a better intercultural understanding." Many students agreed, saying "we worked with real business skills: partners, students, universities, and we improved our English language too."