A. Bicci, AL

Collaboration and Innovation

My experience as an Erasmus guest lecturer at RheinAhrCampus has been immensely rewarding. The combination of supportive colleagues and staff, motivated students and new connections has contributed significantly to my professional and personal development.

RheinAhrCampus will remain for me a unique experience in my academic and personal life. The campus offers diverse opportunities for students and professors, focusing on teaching excellence. 

The Sprachen/Internationales department especially fosters a collaborative environment and encourages learning and collaboration between students and professors. Their focus on international students and collaboration is extraordinary. 

I have taught Innovation Management for two parallel courses at RheinAhrCampus and for me was motivating the interest of students for the subject and their creative work for the innovation project. Teaching this course has been an incredible experience, and I am thankful for the opportunity to share my knowledge and learn from such a talented and enthusiastic group of students.

During my 2 months stay in Remagen I have participated in various social activities and workshops, fostering a rich exchange of ideas and networking opportunities. I must say that Remagen is indeed a very beautiful and peaceful city, it has been for me a way of reinventing myself and focusing on what is important in life. 

I will always cherish and remember all these experiences altogether. I look forward to come back again at RheinAhrCampus!

ERASMUS+ KA 171 - Faculty Exchange

Hochschule Koblenz is able to offer teaching staff mobility with partner countries in the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 171. The national agency in charge of this programme is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).