Workshop Recommendations: NEXT STOP: JOB


Are you an international student and want to learn more about working in Germany? We have three following workshops for you as a recommendation.

Workshop recommendations for international students  from NEXT STOP: JOB????

1) Workshop: Working in Germany
13.10.2023, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Are you an international student or graduate and are planning to start your career in Germany? Then make sure to take part in this workshop. We will be talking about the following topics: Job entry possibilities, Legal regulations, Job search, Application documents
Sign up here:

2) Workshop: Job Search Strategies for International Students
02.11.2023, 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Whether you are the start of your studies or shortly before your graduation, the topic of job search eventually becomes an important issue. How and where can you find a student job, an internship or the right entry-level job? That is exactly what you will learn in this short workshop. We will discuss different job search strategies and you will learn how to find relevant internship or job offers, where to look for regional job offers and what you have to keep in mind when you apply.
Sign up here:

3) Lunch Lesson: Student Tax System in Germany
24.01.2024, 12:00 – 12:45 pm
If you are an international student, planning to work in Germany you should not miss this session. In this quick lunch lesson, you will receive relevant information on the German tax system for international students. You will learn, when and why you have to pay taxes and social security contributions, how to get a tax refund and much more.
Sign up here: