From Paris/France to Koblenz

Millions of memories and much gratitude

Hi everyone !

I’m Jade and I’m an exchange student from Université Paris XII, from Fontainebleau in France. I was born in France and had never really traveled, so as soon as I heard about international mobility, I jumped at the chance. As France is not so far from Germany, many people with stereotypes criticized my choice. However, My experience from my Erasmus in Germany was an incredible and the best experience of my life. As soon as I arrived here, an exceptional six-month adventure unfolded, which enriched and transformed my vision of things.

This was my first time abroad so I was a bit scared but the fear and initial apprehension quickly dissipated in front of the cultural wealth and the diversity of people I met. I was lucky to rub shoulder with persons from all over the world, for example Taiwan, Greece, Italy, Japan, Egypt or Tunisia. My social circle has expanded far beyond borders, as inspiring individuals from the four corners of the globe have crossed my path.

In particular, the friendships I've made with fellow students of different nationalities have been a source of happiness and constant enrichment. Until six months ago, these people were not part of my life. Today, they are an integral part of it forever. Exchanges with people from different backgrounds opened up new and enriching perspectives, giving me a deeper understanding of different cultures, values and life experiences. These encounters transcended linguistic and cultural barriers. Each of these individual stories has left a lasting imprint on my future and my perception of the world.

One thing that scared me a lot was my English. I could read, understand and even write it, but it was still difficult for me to speak it properly. I was very afraid of not being able to communicate with others, of being left out and of failing my exams because of the language barrier. All these fears quickly dissipated. Everyone I've met here has been kind. I was never judged, everyone was understanding and even though it was difficult for me to express myself at first, people didn't make any difference. Thanks to all these people, my English has improved considerably.

During this semester, I also decided to take up German, which I'd never done before. It was a bit tricky to get started, but thanks to the patience and kindness of my teacher, I managed to reach an A1 level (which still needs some work). Learning this language was a bit special because I did it in English, which is not my mother tongue, but it went very well. As I don't speak German, I had to manage to make myself understood in a language other than the one spoken in the country, which made the experience more difficult but above all more rewarding. I now have 4 languages in my pocket!

Those six months in Koblenz went by so quickly. They were much more than just an academic experience, they were an unforgettable life lesson, a period during which I broadened my horizons, developed a deeper understanding of the world and forged bonds that will last well beyond this unique experience. I'm so grateful to have been able to do this exchange. Germany made me grow, taught me a lot but not only that, it also gave me a new vision, new skills. I talked, I laughed, I traveled with my new friends and we made incredible memories that I'll never forget. I'm going back to France with tears in my eyes, sad to leave this country, but happy with the experience and the memories. I'd like to finish this little summary by thanking all the teachers, staff and friends who helped make these six months magical.

Vielen Dank und bis bald!