Our regular campus-wide GreenErasmus Clothes Swap

Concept of the GreenErasmus Clothes Swap:

Our campus-wide GreenErasmus Clothes Swap is another initiative driven by our international project team of students from India, Ukraine, Albania, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and other corners of the world. The event is dedicated to fostering sustainability, building a sense of sustainable consumption, and most importantly supporting ERASMUS students and lecturers from abroad by providing them with clothing items donated by the RheinAhrCampus community.

Event Frequency:The GreenErasmus Clothes Swap has evolved into a cherished tradition at RheinAhrCampus, occurring twice a year. This regular rhythm underscores our commitment to promoting sustainable habits and involving the entire campus community. In the Winter Semester of 2023/24, our campus-wide GreenErasmus Clothes Swap marked a significant achievement. Approximately 100 participants actively engaged in the initiative by donating, receiving, or exchanging clothing items. 

Initiative Highlights:

  • International Collaboration: Our diverse team collaborates to organize events that transcend cultural boundaries, promoting inclusivity and sustainable living.
  • Environmental Impact:The initiative emphasizes the environmental benefits of reducing clothing waste, thereby contributing to a greener planet.
  • Educational Aspect: Through events like the Clothes Swap, we aim to raise awareness about the environmental impact of fashion choices and encourage mindful consumption.

Next Steps: As part of the GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus community, we invite you to stay connected and participate in future events. Your involvement contributes to a more sustainable and globally conscious university experience.

Why GreenErasmus Clothes Swap?

1. Save Money: Avoid unnecessary purchases and wear clothes for the long term.

2. Quality Matters: Obtain high-quality clothing for free instead of buying cheap, less durable items.

3. Reduce Carbon Footprint: Make a positive impact by lowering your carbon footprint as a consumer. Did you know that even one T-shirt averages 11 kilograms of CO2?

4. Create Change: Contribute to a sustainable future with small actions like participating in the Clothes Swap.

How can YOU contribute?

  • DONATE: Contribute unused or unwanted clothing items of good quality.
  • TAKE: Acquire clothing items you like without buying new ones.
  • EXCHANGE: Refresh your wardrobe by swapping clothing items that no longer fit or bring you joy.

We look forward to your support and commitment to a greener, more environmentally friendly future at the next GreenErasmus Clothes Swap!