Rhine Experience 2015


Practical Exercises in Logistics and E-Business

Jens Andreas Faulstich welcomed the students of this year's Maymester Program to Remagen. In an introductory session, four international exchange studnets, including one from CCU, introduced the Coastal students and the German summer school participants to their study abroad and internship options at RheinAhrCampus Remagen.

Afterwards Nicole Dedenbach and Matthias Jonas offered a workshop introducing the visitors to the basic concept of the RheinAhrCampus degree course on Logistics and e-Business as well as the facilities of the laboratory.

Then the students were able to take a hands-on approach and explore some of the lab experiments in small groups. Thus, they could acquire some first insights into software-based simulations of logistical systems, event driven process chains, the use of RFID tags, the determination of bursting strengths, and similar matters.

An excursion to the Meckenheim Districution Center of Eation Electric in Meckenheim enabled the students to familiarise themselves with the logistical structures and solutions of a global company.

Social activities like theRheinauen BBQ, a trip to Cologne and lots of small-group activities helped to foster informal communication and personal contacts.  TheInternational Day was another great opportunity for international networking and social interaction.

This module was part of an intensive study program for Part I of the International Summer School Program organised by Coastal Carolina University, HS Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and RheinAhrCampus Remagen.