Participants of the networking seminar

Univ. of Latvia (LV)

International Networking / Academic Exchange: Selsela Arya

I attended the International Blended Staff Training Week "Boost Up Your Competences+" organized by theUniversity of Latvia in Riga, partner university of RheinAhrCampus, Hochschule Koblenz. The Erasmus Staff Training Week was specially designed for university staff dealing with international students and featured workshops on Stress Management, Time Management, and Conflict Management.

We had our first online preparatory seminar on the 10 August 2021 and on-campus Erasmus Week from 16-20 August 2021 in Riga. Participants from nine different countries, Latvia, Greece, Italy, Czech Republic, Albania, Lithuania, Belarus, Turkey, and Germany, met at theUniversity of Latvia in Riga for an interactive Erasmus Staff week.

It was great to exchange ideas, knowledge, and experience and learn from best practices in an international setting. I gave a presentation about best practices and projects (for example the Academic Internship at RheinAhrCampus, the GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus project, and the Buddy Programme for International students) at RheinAhrCampus. A the same time, I had the opportunity to learn from participants from different universities about their projects and best practices while working with international students and guest lecturers.

It was very fortunate that the Mobility Division at the University of Latvia was able to offer such an ERASMUS staff training on campus in Riga. We had workshops on both campuses: The main campus in old Riga and the newly built campus "House of Nature". We also had the chance to explore the capital of Latvia, Riga, which is a beautiful city and learned a lot about its history.

A big thank you to Marta and her team.
Paldies! (Danke!)

This was a fruitful visit to the University of Latvia in Riga as we welcomed our first Erasmus incoming exchange student from Riga during the Summer Semester 2022 after my visit to Riga. It was great having Katarina Medvedeva here at RheinAhrCampus as an Exchange student. Read Katarina's experience report and find out about her exchange semester in Remagen!

#university #training #internationalstudents #universityoflatvia #RheinAhrCampus