A. Miller, AUS

International Business and Asia Pacific Cultural Studies

Amanda Miller is an adjunct lecturer and researcher in the Schools of Education and Law and Society at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Her Ph.D. and subsequent research examine how marginalised children and young adults in Cambodia circumvent historical, cultural, and political obstacles to access education. Amanda’s educational interests, therefore, focus on what motivates children and adults to learn, how to create a positive educational experience and how to remove obstacles to effective learning. 

Lecturing in Human Geography and Outdoor Environmental Studies, Amanda particularly enjoyed the opportunity to travel and teach at the RhineAhr University in June – July 2023 and work with students and staff from diverse cultural backgrounds. The courses with which Amanda was involved included:

  • InternationalBusiness Simulations,
  • International Communication, and
  • Asia Pacific Culture Studies.

These courses are taught in English, are hands-on and focus on simulations and real-life situations. Students are therefore to take advantage of the intercultural learning environment provided by the RhineAhr campus's extensive international exchange program to learn about and with other cultures and develop enhanced intercultural understanding.  Amanda's assessment tasks also enable students to collaborate in international teams and deal with authentic and contemporary situations.

Students enjoy Amanda’s enthusiasm and positive and inclusive learning environment.  Experiences and examples from an Australian and Asia Pacific context also add to the student’s English language skills and knowledge of diverse geographical and cultural environments.

ERASMUS+ KA 171 - Faculty Exchange

Hochschule Koblenz is able to offer teaching staff mobility with partner countries in the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 171. The national agency in charge of this programme is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).