Tea with Albanian Exchange Students

T. Tavanxhiu, AL

Global Business and Software Engineering

ERASMUS KA171 - Scholarship for Lecturers

The teaching mobility program I participated in was funded through the Erasmus Plus program, which covered all the associated fees. I was one of 8 international lecturers from around the world during summer semester 2023 and my assignment involved a 60-day teaching mobility at the RheinAhrCampus, with 70% of the payment disbursed upon arrival and the remaining 30% upon completion of the program. RheinAhrCampus is located in the beautiful region of Rhineland-Palatinate, in the city of Remagen. I was fortunate to stay in an apartment close to campus whose landlords were extremely helpful and hospitable, enhancing my overall experience. This was my fourth visit to RheinAhrCampus, and I had previously also attended workshops, including the Managing Cultural Diversity workshop, invited by the Sprachen/Internationales team.

Teaching Experience at RheinAhrCampus

I had the privilege of teaching, both, in the faculties of Business and Social Sciences, and in Mathematics and Technology. In the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences, I co-taught the classes InternationalBusiness, Intercultural Communication, and Working Internationally: Global Business. In the Faculty of Mathematics and Technology, I taught Software Engineering. These teaching assignments covered diverse subject areas and co-teaching allowed me to experience and experiment with different teaching and examination styles.

Adapting to the German system presented challenges, particularly concerning the teaching style. At RheinAhrCampus, the teaching approach is highly interactive, where the skills shared with students are applied immediately through case studies during classes to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the concepts. This approach is slightly different from the University of Tirana, where separate lecture and seminar sessions are held. Lectures are primarily focused on sharing theoretical knowledge and are less interactive, while seminars are interactive and designed for practicing the shared theoretical knowledge. Moreover, in the communication subjects at RheinAhrCampus the grading system places less emphasis on final exams and more on portfolios, assignments and projects throughout the semester (“continuous assessment”).

One of the most rewarding challenges during this exchange program was co-teaching with RheinAhrCampus colleagues. Collaborating with another lecturer during classes allowed for a broader perspective and increased discussions among students. Witnessing different perspectives being presented and debated controversially by the two lecturers was beneficial to the students' critical thinking skills.

Networking with International Lecturers

An unexpected aspect of my time at RheinAhrCampus was the opportunity to work so closely with other international lecturers from various cultural backgrounds, such as Australia, Georgia, and the USA. This collaboration not only enhanced the teaching experience but also fostered cross-cultural understanding and the exchange of best practices between the lecturers. The diverse academic environment, with students and lecturers from very different parts of the world, led to fruitful discussions and skills sharing.

Impact and Conclusion

Participating in the Erasmus Exchange Program positively impact the collaboration between our institutions and facilitate more exchange opportunities for students and lecturers.

Personally, I have gained valuable course ideas and concepts that I implement in my home institution. The exposure to different teaching styles and examination methods expanded my pedagogical toolkit, allowing me to create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment. Implementing these techniques in my courses during the current academic year has already resulted in higher student engagement and satisfaction. Teaching in an international setting encouraged me to focus more on my professional development, benefiting both my students and the universities where I work. As educators, we hold a significant responsibility toward shaping the future, and this experience has given me the courage and means to contribute positively to the development of students, universities, and society.