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The GreenChallenge Program is the second sustainable product developed by our international team of GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus. It is a unique program for the Erasmus students, the goals of which are:

  • raising environmental awareness among students
  • exploring eco-friendly alternatives in everyday life
  • changing daily habits and becoming greener and healthier
  • bringing new developed habits to the home country of Erasmus students and sharing GreenErasmus ideas further



Download the GreenChallenge-Program by GreenErasmus-RheinAhrCampus and develop new sustainable lifestyle with your international friends!

Check out the experiences of GreenChallenge participants from around 15 different countries: 

  • Plastic free & organic shopping. Victor from Brazil is doing his groceries in the most sustainable way
  • Tech-free day. Surya from India and Natalia from Ukraine are meditating and enjoying their new tech-free outdoor activity
  • Outdoor activities instead of streaming. Ekarani from Brazil is hiking in the beautiful canyons
  • Eat healthy and organic. Senem from Turkey is growing her own veggies
  • Go outdoor after long Zoom lectures. Mehriban and Aytan are enjoying the sun in a green park after a long "online-day"
  • Plastic free & organic shopping. Elene from Georgia is exploring the German Street Market in Bonn and buying bio fruits and veggies
  • Say NO to cars. Surya and Jency from India and Natalia from Ukraine are travelling by bicycle and exploring new for then German towns
  • Say NO to meat. Vitor from Brazil has just bought loads of fruits and going to cook some vegan dessert
  • Calculate your carbon footprint. Pravesh from India is taking part in the survey to calculate his personal carbon footprint