Remagen: A Haven I will Miss!

Taegyeong from South Korea, Summer Semester 2024

Hello! I am Taegyeong from South Korea. I had an unforgettable experience at RheinAhrCampus. Most Korean students think of exchange programs primarily as opportunities for travel. I was no exception! While I did travel a lot, I gained far more memorable experiences from my university life in Germany than I had expected.

First of all, Remagen is a very different environment compared to Seoul. Living in a small town after spending most of my life in a big city allowed me to appreciate the open sky. The view from my dormitory window was especially beautiful, and I often found myself staring at the sunset. It was breathtaking every single day. I know I will miss this view the most when I return to Korea.

People in Korea say that starting something new at 25 is too late. Life is always about being fast-paced and achieving results. This constant pressure was exhausting, but the atmosphere and culture of Remagen and Germany allowed me to experience complete relaxation. Honestly, thinking about going back to the busy life in Korea already gives me a headache, but I hope I can remember my time in Remagen and find peace when life gets overwhelming.

At RAC, the interaction among exchange students is very active. Thanks to this, I received a lot of help and made many friends. I will never forget the friends who first showed interest in Korean culture and my buddy who kindly took care of me even when she was busy. Sharing foods from different countries regularly was a unique experience. I also cooked Korean food for friends, and I’m grateful that they all said the Bulgogi I made was delicious. There were many memorable events like parties and travels, but I will particularly never forget the six months I spent with my roommate, Eva. Sadly, we have to part ways soon.

I am an engineering student, but I took only business classes at RAC, which was very challenging. However, it was a great opportunity to broaden my horizons. The highly interactive classes were new to me, and although they were stressful, I believe I will be able to handle them better in the future.

This was my first time living away from my family and friends, so I had many concerns. Now, I feel bittersweet about going back. One day, I hope to return. By then, this place and country will be a cherished memory for me. Auf Wiedersehen!